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Lithuania - more and more attractive to investors

Mon, 07.10.2013.
Lithuania - more and more attractive to investors

Lithuania now is  the most attractive country  to invest in the Baltic region  and the second most attractive in Europe. These  such optimistic projections revealed auditing and consulting company EY (formerly Ernst & Young ) in the Study of  investment attractiveness of the study .  Only in the last year in Baltic region foreign investment created 2,450 jobs , 1,717 of them - in Lithuania  (which is 15 per cent  more than in 2011 ).

"Now the most important thing - to predict several moves ahead , to assess potential threats and not to disappoint investors ," - says vice minister of  Economy Mr.  Kestutis Trečiokas . He is no doubt on Lithuanian  investment attractiveness .According to him, "we are hard-working, educated, geographically  in a convenient location . There is a  stable and the economic situation of the country and the government's attitude to theinvestment also is good ."

 VON factory which is one of the largest manufacturers of fishing nets in the North Atlantic region, having subsidiaries in Denmark, Grenland, Newfoundland and  Faroe islands chosen Lithuania for favorable logistics,  reliable and cheap labor force . "The decision was taken quickly , we are going to start business operations next year in the autumn " - promises VON factory manager Ruta Solovjova. The company is  intending to invest in Lithuania 7-8 million litas.

This year the  initiatives  to start  business or expand it in  Lithuania decided  20 foreign investors. It is expecting  that these projects will create more than 1,450 new jobs. Comparing  to the same period of the  last year , investment projects increased in  67 percent . 

Since the beginning of this year  summer in Lithuania invested enterprises:

1. Russian sanitary fittings manufacturer Ani Plast is building a plant in Klaipeda FEZ ( LTL 31 million )

2. Agricultural machinery manufacturer Kinze Manufacturing plant opens in Trakai near Vilnius (22 mln. LTL)

3. Norwegian Jotron in Kaunas will produce communication devices ( 9.4 million LTL)

4. Fishing net production Concern VON  in Siauliai builds fishing equipment factory ( planned investments  - 7-8 million LTL)

5. Low-cost airlines company  Ryanair is investing in the development of the aircraft division in Kaunas ( 5.6 million  LTL)

Source :



European Commission Council of Europe European Migration Network Migration Policy Institute International Organization for Migration